In going over all the escrow transactions I have had in the past few years I look back and think about "What could I have done differently to make the transaction even better?"
I have found that communication and setting expectations with my clients on the home buying process is the key to a smooth escrow.
The first step of communication is sitting down with my client and doing a Buyer Consultation. Most buyers think that to buy a house you have to just look and see what's out there. Certainly that's where your curiosity may begin, but if you are a serious home buyer it is crucial to know what the reality is of your local real estate market. We hear so many different stories on the news, on the internet or just talking with friends or co-workers we fail to realize that every one is different and our situation may not be the same as someone else.
When I first meet a client, usually it's because of a listing they were interested in or in most cases a referral. Though how excited they are to want to see the house and how thrilled I am to show them the house, I have to stop and schedule a buyer consultation first. This part of the process is so important to me because without truly understanding my client's needs and wants, I may never find them the "right" house. I always have to remind myself that I didn't quite master the skills of psychic powers and telepathic brain messaging so the good old fashion sit down and ask questions method works best for me. At that time I then can thoroughly explain the home buying process, milestones and expectations so when we do actually reach those important milestones in the escrow transaction my client will be better prepared to make smart decisions. Ultimately having the conversation with my clients that this is Your Home, Your Mortgage payment so it's best you understand the process so You can make better decisions. It makes for a more exciting home buying process versus a stressed-OMG-I'm-freaking out transaction!
Having that open communication and understanding from the very beginning helps alleviate any issues or unknowns. Also I never assume what my client may or may not know about the home buying process. It's just so much better to know too much, than not enough and that ensures I am on the same page as my client.
So when you call me for the first time and is "ready" to buy a home (or even sell your home), be prepared to spend some quality time with me first, before we hit the road! =)